December 4, 2013


Plums are related to peach and cherry family and are known for their red and purple fruits, and interestingly there are over 2,000 varieties of plum. Plum in dried form, known as prunes, helps to restore bone mass and prevent osteoporosis. Native to China, Europe and America, plums are rich in dietary fibres and
vitamins C, K, A and B. Among minerals it has calcium, iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper and Phosphorus. Here are more reasons to gorge on these delicious fruits:

1. Improving digestive system: Plum, mainly its skin, is rich source of dietary fibres which aids bowel movements and proves effective in improving digestive system. It acts as mild laxative.

2. Reduce cholesterol: Phenolic substances found in plum function inhibit LDL oxidation in humans. Hence it reduces the cholesterol from the human body.

3. Cardiovascular diseases: Plum is rich in potassium (745 mg/100 g), which is very beneficial to heart health. It’s a substance that maintains your body’s fluid levels, hence this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Cancer preventing properties: Consuming plums which are high in fibre and vitamin A is beneficial for protection against gastrointestinal and respiratory tract cancers and cancers caused by chemicals. And content of phytonutrients in plum proved capable of inhibiting the growth of breast cancer with no negative effects on normal cells.

5. Antioxidant properties: Contains various phenols and Vitamin C which exhibits good antioxidant properties. Plums help in reduction of free radicals responsible for deterioration of eyesight. High vitamin C content also helps iron absorption.