November 30, 2013

All about Hair Care

1. The best care of hair is done with the help of home remedies.

2. Rinsing hair with sour curd brings shine to hair and avoids hair falling

3. Eat those food which are rich in protein, carotenes, have essential iron, silica, zinc, vitamin B, C, E and fatty acids.

4. Do not take excessive cold drinks (carbonated). These acidity then blood and starve hair of minerals.

5. A cold bath stimulates the circulation of blood and aids in the in the head strengths the hair. Water is a valuable health promoter.

6. Do not tie hair bunches too tight as done in making ponytails. Extreme tightening of hair may result in hair loss.

7. Good sleep, gentle brushing and gentle combing make the hair live longer.

8. Keep the hair brush and combs clean. Wash them with warm water and clean them with small steel brushes available in the market.

9. Do not use combs and brushes of others and do not allow others to use your combs and brushes.

10. Massing of hairs with oil should be done regularly after or before washing the hair. It should not be with full palm-pressure but by tips of the fingers, separating the hairs at places turn-by-turn and applying oil.

11. Tension makes the scalp muscless tense and prevents sufficient nutrient-blood to reach hair follicles. Straved hair roots shrink and fall out.

12. Oils. shamppos, hair colors/dyes and conditioners should be selected after verifying their results from colleagues.

13. Select matching products for your hair from colleagues.

14. After washing the hair, allow them dry up naturally. Too long use of hair dryer and blowing hot air near your hair is harmful for health of hair.

15. Better not to try bleaching, perm, curling, waving, use of heated rollers and winding etc. at home. Help of expert professionals should be taken for these jobs.

16. In case of hair-coloring at home, follow the instructions given by manufactures. In case of dying/coloring of hairs at parlors, choose herbal products with contents like henna and other vegetable dyes.

17. Dandruff or hair loss may be due to body illness, harsh cosmetics, stress, incorrect nutrition and effects of some medicines.

18. Temporary hair thinning may be due to stress, shocks, childbirth, illness and ill effects of medicines.

19. Hair loss at patches may be due to fungual infection like ringworm etc.

20. Excessive greasyness of hair can be removed easily by rinsing hair with distilled water and lemon juice.

21. Head lice can be easily removed by using wet 'nit-comb' (lice comb)

22. A long with hair problems, if you have symptoms like weight loss or wearness or fatigue, better consult the doctor.